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Continuous further development of AWS competences and business areas

Competence Center: Amazon Web Services

Internal "AWS University" with further training events and exchange within the AWS community

The competence center Amazon Web Services (AWS) organizes the continuous development of the AWS competence and business fields of HMS. We see ourselves as an internal HMS “AWS University” that offers all employees interesting training events and gives experienced colleagues the freedom to continuously deepen their expertise. Outside of HMS, we actively engage with the AWS community and strategically develop HMS within the AWS partner network.

We want to keep pace up with developments in the AWS cloud. Therefore we are happy to welcome new members!

Strategic Knowledge Goals

  • Ensure visibility of the AWS Cloud at HMS.
  • Expand the presence of HMS in the AWS community.
  • Ensure that our technical AWS know-how is always up to date.
  • Understand and best promote interests in the AWS environment.
  • Make sure the introduction into the AWS world is as enjoyable as possible.

Mark talks about his work in the competence center

What is it like to work in the competence center?

Working in the competence center is a give and take: On the one hand, I develop strategically relevant (or simply exciting) topics and disseminate them within the company. On the other hand, I naturally benefit from my colleagues who do the same.

How does working for the competence center help you?

The collaboration helps me to maximise the benefits of my knowledge budget: Interacting with colleagues ensures that I don't get bogged down in a dead end. At the same time, I can constantly develop my ability to impart knowledge, which often proves valuable.

Which methods or technologies do you focus on and how?

In principle, we base our choice of topics on specific user needs, but also on the interests of the individual contributors. The primary method of knowledge transfer is short keynote speeches followed by discussions. However, we also offer practical hands-on workshops and specific case studies.

Mark Bangert

Project Manager

Sophia Stahl-Toyota

Software Engineer

Andreas Luckert

Data Scientist

Examples for Knowledge Circles


Cloud Quest: "Play AWS Cloud Quest and have fun building AWS cloud skills."

A colleague dove into the depths of Cloud Quest for us. Without any prior knowledge of AWS his avatar conquered one or two learning dungeons. He presented the results, alongside his takeaways… can cloud skills perhaps be actually acquired through playful learning?

IaC meets AWS: How to Deploy with Confidence in the Cloud

We took a closer look at the different ways of marrying IaC and AWS. The focus was on AWS CDK and Terraform, as well as their individual strengths and weaknesses.

Mark Bangert
Head of competence center AWS

Your contact for all topics relating to AWS

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Your contact for all topics relating to AWS

Mark Bangert
Head of competence center AWS
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