In the competence center Software Engineering, we deal with topics around the question: How can we build good software for our customers, not just today but also tomorrow? We are aware that in order to do this, we must continuously work on ourselves to keep our knowledge of technologies, methods, and practices up to date.
Therefore, we ensure that the knowledge pools built up in our individual project teams are synchronized – not in real time, but consistently. Hence, why we organize internal meetings for exchange, training and practice, as well as maintain several discussion channels online and offline. A special focus is being put on the areas such as security and big data. Software engineering is closely intertwined with data engineering, software architecture and data science, one of the many reasons why it never gets boring.
Many of us practice software engineering methods in our daily project work and want to become even better at it. We have already understood that this is best done across projects and in exchange with colleagues. What’s the role of the competence center in this desire? We create spaces in which both technical and methodological exchange is possible. Everyone can bring topics to the table and put them up for discussion.
I was already doing a lot of internal training work before the competence fields were founded, as the professional exchange with colleagues was always important to me and was also fun. When the position of competence field manager was advertised, I applied - and I still do it today.
As head of the competence field, I have to keep an eye on all the important trends in software engineering and translate them into knowledge objectives where necessary. These are then processed by individuals and passed on to others in knowledge circles. I am particularly committed to methodological topics, i.e. the "how", so that reflection is not neglected despite all the technical complexity.
Professional exchange and technical leadership - these are topics that I enjoy and that help me move forward. I can expand my network here and often gain important input for the next customer project.
Promoting and shaping the professional networking of around 100 colleagues to create a vibrant knowledge culture - that's a success in itself, and I'm proud to have played a part in it. In addition, there are of course individual highlights - for example, particularly successful knowledge circles or the anchoring of software engineering topics in our internal qualification programs.
How do we handle reported bugs or anomalies in our projects that are related to systems we develop or maintain? We discussed these topics based on the following recurring tasks:
Daniar introduced the new features in Spark 3.x.x (e.g., Adaptive Query Execution, Dynamic Partition Pruning) as well as in the Delta release 1.x.x. Furthermore, did he also discuss new features in Databricks / Spark, and also all new features in Databricks (e.g., native SQL support).
Security is becoming more and more important. Therefore, we at HMS also take advantage of offers to stay up to date in DevSecOps and web security. Two colleagues took part in the Heise devSec theme days and presented the knowledge gained in a knowledge circle.
HMS Analytical Software GmbH
Grüne Meile 29
69115 Heidelberg